Black is Beautiful

Design and produce a printed book that looks at either our current pandemic, racism and social justice movement or both with new eyes.
Black beauty was one of my favorite books growing up; I always had a well-worn copy on my bookshelf back home. This touching story of a horse’s adventures in 19th century England was banned by South Africa’s apartheid regime at one point simply because it had the words “black” and “beauty” in the title. Disturbing laws demanded the racial separation of native Africans and white Europeans living in the continent, regarding the African Americans as second class citizens.
There seems no time like the American present, overrun by pandemic and racism– to redesign and retitle this book as a form of social commentary. I used Illustrator and Photoshop to create the imagery that accompanies the text, Fresco for the cover art, and Indesign for the rest. Final product printed by Blurb.

Indesign, Fresco, Illustrator, Photoshop