Redesigning the Drive-In Movie Theater Experience


During the last 9 months, the social and economic landscape of America has changed vastly in response to the novel Coronavirus. Businesses have had to change their protocols in order to stay open, and those who could not have since shut down. In addition, individuals must also change their behaviour in order to promote their safety and the safety of others. Due to the closure of most indoor entertainment businesses, movie theaters have suffered. However, movie-goers have rediscovered another way to see new films within the local and national regulations. Drive-Ins have been growing in popularity as an alternative to theaters, but there are still COVID-19 risks.


Through our research of Drive-In theaters, we discovered multiple points of interaction (including food and ticket sales) that could easily be done remotely. With the Popcorn mobile application, it is possible to attend a Drive-In movie with next to zero physical contact with anyone outside of your own vehicle. Our app will allow you to view available films, book a spot/buy tickets, use gps to find the theater, control your audio from your phone or car speaker, order snacks directly to your vehicle, locate open restrooms and so much more.

Click here for Case Study


Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD


Anne Chamberlain, Edgar Cisneros, Basil Johnson, David Park