Screen Design

Pink Lady Lemonade Web Development


Commissioned by Pink Lady Hard Lemonade, our objective was to conceptualize, design, and code  an aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly website and mobile application through which a user could place orders and learn more about the business.


Taking a methodical and interactive approach to web design, we first researched our audience, settled on our typography, color and brand motives. Iconography and imagery were especially important to our process. Next we developed a sitemap and wireframes, then began working on the HTML & CSS to bring our wireframes to fruition. To test our user interface design, we worked with heat maps and gaze plots to identify pain points and unintended phenomenon in interactivity.

Click here for Case Study


Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketch, HTML/CSS, Adobe XD

Collaborators (add roles)

Anne Chamberlain and Ariana Van Scherrenburg